Problems of gender? Part 1 | Imortal Mortal

Many comments, if they do not misunderstand feminism, show that women are aggressors or people of double standards.

Many of these images are from places where women are seen as objects. That's where the Muslim belief reigns.

Well, the trouble is, as a feminist I know men have problems.
The problem in itself, is not that women become the victims, but, machismo.
Tell me, if you are a man, have you been told that crying is from babies? Have not they used a feminine term to say weak?

That's machismo. All of the above mentioned causes depression, and often suicide. The simple fact that it is preferred that the woman raised the children, this causes that in a separation the woman stays with the infants, not believing the able man. Reason why, women are given toys such as baby care, dolls, fashion ... instead, to the man, action toys that represent violence or jobs. This is because they are raised from the children to their roles. Sexist toys.

So the same machismo is the problem, if you are a man and you are not heterosexual promiscuous, babe. On the other hand, if you are a woman and you are not a virgin until marriage or death, they call you P and do you believe that machismo does not affect men, if they always tell them to be quiet males to be respected. By not expressing themselves, they can cause a collapse or a suicide, they only need a trigger. A divorce can be, since not expressing and not knowing what to do, it can lead to suicide.How is this not a gender problem? Same machismo does.

So the problem is not women or feminism, but, machismo. That suppresses the man, reason why it can lead to being addicted, alcoholic, besides the already mentioned.

Machismo also says that women are weak, which is why only cases of violence against women are seen, as if they only existed.
Parte 1; You are here.
Parte 2:
By : InmortalMoral
