How to be approved ? AdSense (Tips) - Inmortal Mortal


It's to be able to put ads and make a profit for it. They can give you tips to have a lot of traffic and to make a profit.

I myself had problems to be approved, since they rejected me many times, mainly for little content.

How can I be approved?

Minimum time of existence of the Blog
In my case it is 6 months, but in the future it can change.

The content
Must have text, can not be pure images or videos. Since the text is safer, since you can not know the content of the images or video. In case the text is little for an entry, you can always copy and paste the same text in the same entry, but in English. So the entries will look like more text. In this same blog you can see that, some entries were little content so I put the same text in English, example: Testimony of a daughter of heterosexual and Testimony of a daughter of homosexual (Opinion), thus not only reach more public if not My blog entry is bigger.

It's a minimum of 50, or so I've read in some parts. Not knowing if it was true or not, back then I had about 30 entries and I did not know what to do to get more, so I did the same thing as the content point. Each of my entries that were not short translated them into English and so I made new ones. So I get to have the 50 tickets and since then I have done so. An example of this is:¿Creador vs creación? And its English version Creator vs Creation?

Content Type

It is preferable that the content is not: Pornographic, gore, racist, anti-Semitic, homophobia, etc.
Since placing advertising on such content can cause problems with the image of the products or company to which that advertising belongs. That kind of problems youtube had, and I do not doubt that it is the same problem in Blogger or any other page.

Extra Help


Obviously good spelling and ordering ideas. In this blog there are errors of spelling and must be corrected.

In the examples, I mentioned English, but you can use many languages, using good translators and translating the text into several languages. It will be possible to have more public and depending on what the text is concerned, would be more traffic.

Talking about current issues and causing much controversy is a good idea of ​​traffic, but care must be taken not to fall into the wrong type of content. You can talk about topics like ledy and lord, Ruby 15, or that type of content, but that is within the range of acceptable content.

Every blog should have a theme, be it entertainment, programming, society, technology, etc.
You can not see a blog that has many topics, since users follow the blog for a specific topic (even for various topics follow), but waiting for an entry that is the subject of your liking can take time and the User does not follow blog. So have one topic per blog, but if you want them to be several should have several points in common.

This blog of things to say Immortal Moral, they talk about society issues, such as: #SiMeMatan, which is a topic on women's homicide, an important topic of society, and talk about Ruby's 15, which is Another important subject, but without entering into the entertainment, osea talking is a way to distract the look of real problems.


The design should be according to the topic that is discussed in the blog. In short, if you see a bird design, it will make you think that the blog is about birds or nature. Look for help on how to make the design for your blog, because here you will not see that. NOTE: Design also refers to the position of each element of the page, such as the browser, recent entries, popular entries, etc.

Here you can cheat, put on labels something like Dross and so users when looking for Dross on google, could find your blog. I do not do it, but if it works, do it. It is a trap, a kind of clicbite to increase traffic. I do not know if it works and I will not check it.
